Bad Dad Jokes | Dirty Jokes 2021
New Bad Dad Jokes are really funny. You are going to enjoy reading those funny jokes> The jokes not that bad but not that dirty jokes, so you can enjoy them with your family. For more funny jokes, check these: Good Funny Jokes, Funny English Jokes, New Funny Jokes.
20 Bad Dad Jokes
1- What does Kim Kardashian use to fix holes?
Sex Tape.
2- What did 50 Cent say to his grandma, after she gave him a sweater?
3- What’s Michael Jackson’s favorite painting?
Sha-Mona Lisa.
4- Who is Bruce Lee’s Favorite Rapper?
Waka Flocka.
5- Why did the Gangster have to keep seeing the eye doctor?
Cuz he had Glock-Oma.
6- What is Whitney Houston’s favorite kind of coordination?
Hand Eyeeeeee!
7- What do you call a homosexual reptile?
A Gatorrrr.
8- Why does the little mermaid wear sea shells?
Cuz she can’t fit D-Shells.
9- What part of your body likes to get frisky?
The Naked-eye.
10- My Dentist is a really mean guy.
He Always hurts my fillings.
11- Why do white girls come in odd numbers?
Because they can’t even.
12- What do you a call a cholo with one leg shorter than the other?
Not Eveeeen.
13- Why do all of diddy’s kids have nice hair?
Because sean combs.
14- Did you know that snoop dogg’s sister is a stripper?
She wears nothing but a G-String baby.
15- How does lady Gaga like her meat?
Raw, Raw, Raw, Raw, Raw, Raw.
16- What did the Jaguar say to the other Jaguar?
17- Who’s drake’s favorite superhero?
Ghost Writer.
18- What does a peanut say when it sneezes?
19- What’s a Mexican prostitute’s favorite drink?
20- What did the Buddhist say when he went up to the hot dog vendor?
“Make me one with everything.”